This non-invasive treatment is exceptionally gentle, yet extremely powerful; problems are evaluated and treated through CarnioSacral Therapy which involves a very gentle touch of the practitionerβs hands.
The CarnioSacral system provides the environment in which your brain and spinal chord develop and function.
These organs are the core of your being. Without them, emotions, senses and motor functions would be inoperable. CarnioSacral Therapy is a gentle hands on method for evaluating and treating problems affecting the CarnioSacral system; and assists the body in its own healing and rehabilitation process safely and gently.
CarnioSacral Therapy is a gentle hands on method for evaluating and treating problems affecting the CarnioSacral system.
CarnioSacral Therapy is applied with less than 5 grams of pressure. Examination is done by testing for movements/ restrictions in various parts of the system. Once the restricting obstacle is removed, the system is able to return to its natural state.
CarnioSacral Therapy assists the body in its own healing / rehabilitation process safely and gently.