The Hairy Truth: Exploring the Science and Societal Implications of Hair Growth

Your body hair may be doing more than you think!

Hair is a fascinating aspect of human biology, with a complex interplay of genetics, hormones, and societal norms. While both men and women grow hair, there are distinct differences in hair growth patterns, particularly when it comes to the growth on our legs and under our arms. Additionally, societal expectations have led to contrasting grooming practices between genders, with women often opting to remove hair while men typically retain theirs. In this blog, we’ll delve into the reasons behind hair growth, the disparities between men and women, and the advent of laser hair removal as a solution to hair-related concerns.

Why Do We Grow Hair?

The human body is covered in hair, with each strand having a unique growth cycle. Hair serves various purposes, including:

1. Protection: Hair on the scalp shields the head from harmful UV radiation, while eyelashes and eyebrows safeguard the eyes from debris and sweat.

2. Temperature Regulation: Hair helps to regulate body temperature by trapping heat or creating insulation. In cold environments, the hair stands up, creating a layer of warmth, while in hot weather, it can help cool the body through perspiration.

3. Sensory Function: Fine hair known as “vellus hair” is present on most areas of the body and plays a role in tactile sensation. For instance, the tiny hairs on our arms can detect changes in the environment.

Men vs. Women: The Differences in Hair Growth

Facial Hair: One of the most noticeable distinctions between men and women is facial hair. Men typically have denser facial hair growth due to higher levels of testosterone. Beard growth begins during puberty, and facial hair can continue to develop throughout a man’s life.

Scalp Hair: While both men and women have hair on their scalps, men often have thicker and coarser hair. Female hair thinning is more common and can be attributed to hormonal changes, genetics, and ageing.

Body Hair: Women tend to have finer and less dense body hair compared to men. Hormonal fluctuations during puberty and pregnancy can lead to an increase in body hair for women, but it remains generally less conspicuous than men’s body hair.

Hair Growth on Legs and Underarms

Leg Hair: The growth of leg hair is influenced by hormones, primarily testosterone. This is why men often have more noticeable leg hair than women. However, cultural norms have led to women shaving their legs for a smooth appearance, while many men choose to keep their leg hair intact.

Underarm Hair: Underarm hair is another area where men and women differ in growth patterns. Men typically have coarser and denser underarm hair, while women’s underarm hair is usually finer. The practise of underarm hair removal is more common among women, often driven by societal beauty standards.

The Societal Influence: Why Women Traditionally Remove Hair

Throughout history, societal norms and beauty standards have played a significant role in dictating grooming practises, particularly for women. The reasons why women traditionally remove hair include:

1. Cultural Beauty Ideals: Many cultures have promoted the idea of smooth, hairless skin as a symbol of femininity and cleanliness.

2. Fashion and Clothing: Hair removal allows for a smoother canvas for fashion and clothing, such as dresses and sleeveless tops.

3. Personal Preferences: Some women may choose hair removal because it aligns with their personal preferences and aesthetics.

Laser Hair Removal: A Modern Solution

In recent years, advancements in technology have provided an effective solution to unwanted hair growth: laser hair removal. This non-invasive procedure uses laser energy to target hair follicles, damaging them and inhibiting future hair growth. Here are some benefits of laser hair removal:

Precision: Laser removal selectively targets hair follicles, leaving surrounding skin unharmed. This precision minimises the risk of skin irritation and ingrown hairs.

Long-Term Results: Unlike temporary hair removal methods like shaving and waxing, laser hair removal offers long-lasting results. After a series of sessions, many clients experience significant hair reduction.

Reduced Ingrown Hairs: Laser hair removal decreases the likelihood of developing painful ingrown hairs that are common with other hair removal methods.

Timesaving: Shaving and waxing can be time-consuming, and the results are often temporary. Laser hair removal treatments are quick and can target large areas of the body in a single session.

Safe: Removing hair via a laser is a safe and effective procedure when performed by a licensed professional. Unlike traditional methods of hair removal, there is no risk of cuts or burns.

Effective: Laser hair removal can be effective on all skin types and hair colours, although it may be less effective on light or fine hair.

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Experience the Freedom of Laser Hair Removal at Belmore Centre

In conclusion, hair growth is a natural aspect of human biology, influenced by genetics, hormones, and societal expectations. While men and women have different patterns of hair growth, societal norms often dictate grooming practices. Women, in particular, have historically removed hair from various body parts to adhere to beauty ideals.

In the modern era, laser hair removal offers a safe and effective solution to unwanted hair growth, providing clients with long-lasting results and the freedom to choose their preferred level of hair removal. If you’re interested in experiencing the benefits of laser hair removal, we invite you to book an appointment at the Belmore Centre. Our experienced professionals are here to help you achieve the smooth, hair-free skin you desire. Say goodbye to daily shaving and waxing – embrace the convenience and confidence of laser hair removal today!

A Belmore Centre Massage Could Do More Than Make You Feel Pampered

Unwind and Rejuvenate with a Belmore Centre Massage

In today’s fast-paced world, taking care of ourselves has become more important than ever. Finding time to relax, unwind, and rejuvenate is essential for maintaining overall well-being. At the Belmore Centre, we understand the power of touch and the transformative effects of a massage. Our professional and skilled therapists are dedicated to providing an exceptional massage experience that goes beyond mere pampering. Discover the many benefits of a Belmore Centre massage and experience ultimate relaxation like never before.

At the Belmore Centre, we offer a wide range of massage treatments designed to cater to your specific needs. Whether you seek relaxation, relief from muscle tension, or a rejuvenating experience, our experienced therapists are here to help. Our tranquil and serene environment sets the perfect backdrop for your massage journey, allowing you to unwind and let go of the stresses of everyday life.

Choose from an array of massage options, including Head in the Clouds Scalp massage, deep tissue massage, hot stone massage, full body massage, and more. Our therapists are highly skilled in various massage techniques and will tailor each session to address your unique requirements. Through the power of touch, a Belmore Centre massage can not only relax your body but also calm your mind and uplift your spirit.

Discover the Benefits of Belmore Centre Massage Therapy

Beyond the immediate sense of relaxation, massage therapy has numerous benefits for your overall well-being. Regular massages at the Belmore Centre can help reduce muscle tension, improve blood circulation, and alleviate chronic pain. The skilled hands of our therapists will knead away the knots and tension in your muscles, promoting a sense of deep relaxation and enhancing your body’s natural healing processes.

Massage therapy has also been found to reduce stress and anxiety levels, allowing you to find inner calm and balance. It stimulates the release of endorphins, the body’s natural “feel-good” hormones, which can help improve your mood and leave you with a renewed sense of well-being. Additionally, massages can improve sleep quality, boost immunity, and even enhance cognitive function. At the Belmore Centre, our massages offer benefits that extend far beyond the treatment room.

Experience the Ultimate Relaxation with Belmore Centre’s Signature Massage Treatments

For a truly indulgent experience, we invite you to explore our signature massage treatments. These unique offerings combine the therapeutic benefits of massage with carefully selected techniques to provide an unforgettable journey of relaxation and rejuvenation.

One of our popular signature treatments is the Deluxe Stone Therapy Massage, where our therapists incorporate a combination of long, flowing strokes, gentle stretches, and soothing aromatherapy oils to promote deep relaxation and release tension. This luxurious experience is designed to help you achieve a profound sense of tranquillity and leave you feeling rejuvenated.

Another standout option is our Hot Stone Massage, which uses smooth, heated stones strategically placed on key areas of the body. The warmth of the stones helps to relax muscles, alleviate pain, and promote a deep state of relaxation. The gentle heat combined with skilled massage techniques will transport you to a place of complete bliss.

Choose from our range of massages to help you feel relaxed

Back Massage

A holistic massage focusing on just the back, neck and shoulders, using pre-blended oils to increase your health and well-being and to help the body heal itself. This is a great relaxation therapy which can help ease tension, anxiety and stress symptoms and leave you feeling totally relaxed.

Deep Tissue Massage

Deep Tissue Massage targets the deeper layers of muscle and connective tissue. Slower strokes or friction techniques across the grain of the muscle are used. Deep tissue massage is used for chronically tight or painful muscles, repetitive strain, postural problems, or recovery from injury. Patients can feel sore for a day or two after a treatment.

Deluxe Back Massage

Our Deluxe Back Massage is a luxurious massage using pre-blended oils to relieve any tension. Helping to ease any muscular aches and pains, hot stones are used in combination with Swedish massage techniques to treat your back, neck and shoulders. You will leave the salon floating on air!

Deluxe Stone Therapy Massage

Hot stones are also used in the Deluxe Stone Therapy Massage, where the whole body, head and face are massaged with a pre-blended oil, using the heated stones to allow the therapist to perform deeper tissue manipulations.

Full Body Massage

A holistic massage focussing on the whole body, using pre blended oils to increase your health and well-being and to help the body heal itself. This is a great relaxation therapy which can help ease tension, anxiety and stress symptoms and leave you feeling totally relaxed.

Head in the Clouds Scalp Massage

Leave stress and tension far behind you, whilst you drift away on a cloud of relaxation. A beautiful scalp massage using pre-blended oils to give you half hour of pampering.

Lava Shell Massage

A luxurious choice of massages using smooth heated natural shells to give you a warm, deep and relaxing experience. With a great choice of lava shell options you will never look at massage in the same way again.

Pregnancy Massage

Thankfully, pregnancy massages are becoming recognised as a go-to treatment for expectant mothers. The aim is to relieve weight-bearing areas, provide energy and leave you feeling lighter and brighter.

Sports Massage

Sports massage is specifically designed for people who are involved in physical activity. But you don’t have to be a professional athlete to have one; it’s also used by people who are active and work out often. The focus isn’t on relaxation but on preventing and treating injury and enhancing athletic performance.

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Book your Belmore Centre massage online

A Belmore Centre massage is more than just a pampering treat; it is an investment in your overall well-being. Our experienced therapists are dedicated to providing you with a truly transformative experience, helping you unwind, rejuvenate, and find balance in a hectic world. From relieving muscle tension to promoting relaxation and enhancing your mood, our massage treatments offer a multitude of benefits for both body and mind. Visit the Belmore Centre and indulge in the power of touch, experiencing the ultimate relaxation that our signature massages can bring. Book your appointment today and discover the remarkable benefits of a Belmore Centre massage.


Spring is officially in season and in 10 days time it will be Mother’s Day. Women of Great Britain will be starting to think about their appearance as the sunshine sticks around and the warm weather and skimpy clothes will start emerging from the depths of winter! So, what better time to dish out some Top Tips for Anti Ageing and how to help make your skin look as fresh and as beautiful as possible!


Summer often heightens everyone’s positive attitudes and lifts the spirits of many and we want your skin to reflect this to, so here are our 10 top beauty tips for anti-ageing:

  1. Keep your skin hydrated at night.  Invest in a really good serum and apply before bed as night-time is when your skin takes the opportunity to replenish itself.  The best ones will have minerals to hydrate and nourish your face as you sleep.
  2. Try to use moisturising creams and toners from the same brand because they have been designed to work together.  Sometimes the ingredients in two different brands can conflict causing skin breakdown not anti-ageing rejuvenation.
  3. Don’t neglect your neck. Most people, when applying their lotions and potions, pay lots of attention to their face, but stop at the jaw-line. Don’t forget to moisturise your neck and chest too, to avoid the dreaded saggy ‘turkey neck’ effect.
  4. Use a moisturiser that suits your skin type rather than one which has marketed at a certain age profile.
  5. When applying eye-liner, don’t pull at your eyelids. This can eventually lead to sagging of the skin around your eyes.   Defining your eyes brings attention away from fine lines and wrinkles, but do this with a softer shade of liner that compliments your make up as solid black lines aren’t flattering for older skin.
  6. Don’t try to cover sun spots with dark heavy foundation. Use a lighter foundation to give skin a fresher illuminated feel instead of weighing skin down.
  7. It has been proven that smells link strongly to our cognition and emotions. One study on men even found that grapefruit aroma made them perceive women as younger than they were. Worth remembering next time you go shopping for body lotion!
  8. Treat your skin to regular face masks and moisturise, moisturise, moisturise at home.  Have a good cleansing routine, and exfoliate once a week with a gentle exfoliator to remove dead skin cells, but have a monthly salon facial specifically designed to revitalise skin and even out your complexion.
  9. The skin on our hands often ages faster than the skin on the rest of our body so regularly moisturise hands with a strong moisturiser and pamper your hands with a manicure for special occasions.   Gorgeous looking gel or Shellac nails can take years off how old a woman’s hands look.
  10. Hydrated skin equals younger looking skin. Drink plenty of water, especially in winter when the central heating dries it out a lot. Aim for around 8 glasses a day, to keep it plump and hydrated. Plus avoid white sugar – it speeds up the ageing process by binding to the collagen in your skin, which can eventually weaken it, leading to premature wrinkles and sagging.

So there you have it, take care of your skin and you will see the benefits, ready to enjoy the hot summer months ahead!

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